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A Leather Guide To Protect Your Items from Salt
If you live in an area where it snows, you know how the salt that gets on the road and sidewalks gets everywhere! I’ve noticed walking into my house there is salt stuck in the bottoms of my shoes. You’ll even notice how it will leave “salt spots” on shoes, carpets, etc.
How To Use Leather Cleaning Products
We engineer Mad Cow leather cream to protect leather pieces that are exposed to the elements (water, UV light, dirt). Examples would be: motorcycle bags/seats, car seats, shoes, and couches. We do not recommend using the leather cream on nubuck or suede.
What Is In Leather Cleaning Products?
Environmentally friendly products have always been in the minds and hearts of Mad Cow. We wanted a product that is not harmful to make or whenever it comes in contact with skin, pets, etc.
When To Use Leather Cleaning Products?
There will always be times where choosing the right product for the job might be difficult. When using Mad Cow products, you also may need to know what the right product is. On our website (http://www.trymadcow.com), we provide a lot of product information to help you choose. And you can always reach out to us on our contact page, and we will get right back to you.