When To Use Leather Cleaning Products?

There will always be times where choosing the right product for the job might be difficult. When using Mad Cow products, you also may need to know what the right product is. On our website (http://www.trymadcow.com), we provide a lot of product information to help you choose. And you can always reach out to us on our contact page, and we will get right back to you.

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The first step in treating your leather is making sure the leather is clean from any dirt or contaminants. Start by using Mad Cow's spot cleaner. The spot cleaner is designed to remove the tough spots where dirt or other contaminants has been stuck on. Doing this will clean the surface for the other leather products to be effective.


Choosing between the leather cream and the leather dressing can be a tricky decision. The leather cream was designed to be used on leather that receives exposure to the elements. Leather can be exposed to rain, snow, cold/hot temperatures, dirt, dust, sunlight, etc. If left untreated, these elements prove to be harmful to leather. These elements can over saturate or dry out your leather. Dried out leather and cracking leather is a significant concern. This will quickly lower the life span of a piece of leather and cause irreversible damage. By using Mad Cow's leather cream, you would be moisturizing your leather while adding an extra layer of protection. The leather cream also has a waterproofing agent. When water gets into leather and evaporates, it takes the natural oils in the leather out with it.  The leather cream has waterproofing agents to prevent water from absorbing and prevents the oils from evaporating. Mad Cow's leather cream will also bring back the original color of the leather.


Leather dressings are made for less exposed and delicate pieces of leather, like leather pants. In a previous blog about restoring a 2009 motorcycle, here we mentioned a particular time when an exposed piece of leather may benefit more from the dressing. This would be when your leather is cracking or worn. The dressing will not fix the worn leather, but it can offer protection to prolong the life of the worn leather. When cracks have already formed, you need to get moisture into the leather as soon as possible to save the leather from cracking further. The dressing is absorbed the quickest and will offer similar protection as the cream. It is more liquid than the cream, so be careful when applying it.


When Should I Treat My Leather?


Restoration Of Motorcycle Leather And Accessories